Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Cycling Trivialities

Listening To: #anguaji_mouse rustle his newspaper at me irritably whilst waiting for me to finish on the computer.

i haven't updated for a while. this is due to many factors, the least of which was losing faith in a previously unheard-of quantity of humanity. but that's not important. the greatest things keeping me from detailing the minutae of my monochrome postmodern life were:

1) Sky+ installation
2) #anguaji_mouse fixation

re: bullet point 1 - this is the best thing to happen to the household since... well, since ever. unfortunately, we've never had sky tv at all while the rest of the world has long-since grown weary of its repetitive programming. this has meant i've had to catch up on 20 years of missed broadcasting. it's led to rediscovering M*A*S*H. bliss.

re: bullet point 2 - it all started out with a random nibbling sound. it escalated to paper rustling. i have a mouse somewhere in my teeny (but immensely cluttered) bedroom. i sleep on the floor. this is an awful situation, especially when you consider that i'm the biggest animal softie in the world, and can't bear to catch a mouse in a snap-trap, but the little bugger keeps avoiding the live trap, and persists in taking part in all-night rustling sessions with #landing_mouse.

it's gone beyond fixation, though. i'm trying to plug #anguaji_mouse as the next chuck norris. it could happen. and it could happen to #anguaji_mouse.

#anguaji_mouse doesn't read books. he just stares them down until they give him the information he needs.

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