Monday, 10 November 2008

Just Shoot Me

Listening To: a trailer for the new Indy film. i don't think i could make myself more uninterested if i... i... er... something... witty... sardonic... meltdown...
Watching: my empty plate with an expression of sadness and grief.

today, great things are abound. no, really - abound.

not only is this the week that projects are going to be cleared off the metaphorical board with the greatest of ease [never has a line inspired so much tempting of fate], but i see the way clear for areas of Personal Life [different from .blog_life only because it's less organised and updates more often] to be tidied and trimmed and generally topiary-ed.

instinctively, i felt that french toast must play a part in this New Order. and thus, french toast was made:

it played a particularly tasty part of the New Order, actually, and i might repeat this step another time. plus, you can't change your life on an empty stomach, hey?

Boxers Are Cool: for morning house-wanders, whilst pondering your gender identity.

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