Tuesday 14 October 2008

No iPod, No Music

Listening To: the early bird catching the worm

mmm. bagelicious early start today - the dog does not seem too happy about it. he's undecided between Course Of Action A) sitting outside dad's door looking miserable and Course Of Action B) sitting between my legs looking at my bagel.

i set the live trap for the mice downstairs last night. we of this household are very pacifist when it comes to animals, but we can't have the kitchen offered up to the Rodentia. so we set normal traps. which the mice can't get enough of (after a few false starts, playing out like a poorly re-dubbed tom and jerry where the lady isn't quite so black anymore. don't think we didn't notice) and we have to haul their sad little carcasses out every morning. well, i'm making it seem like it's the Sommes of the mouse world, but there's only ever one at a time.

anyway. the point i'm making is that the mice never go in my (more expensive and re-usable) humane trap. which is laden with kitkats (they supposedly love chocolate) and raisins (i don't know who does the experiments to see which food mice like, but from my own lab-testing, i'd say they prefer any food where death may be an exciting option) - which, frankly, if i could fit into the trap, i'd be after those nommie treats like a humourously topical subject after a sardonic twist.

Pining After: my own bagels, which have grown cold in the dog seige

Wondering: about mice/work/bagels/egypt

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe the mice are double-hard bastards and are playing a game of Mouse Russian Roulette for ownership/supremacy of your house? Kinda like the mob only furry :)

Ms Tanith XxXxX